The Seven Messengers Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Seven Messengers Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Environment as never described in details

Even though the main topic in the book is traveling across the country, the author never describes the environment in which the prince and his messengers happen to be at different times. This may indicate that, in reality, the text is never about traveling. It actually depicts traveling as life. As time passed the prince was further and further away from home just like everyone else is with their childhood as the years pass.


As the prince becomes more distant from his homeland, he becomes more estranged to his homeland and relatives as well. Whenever one of his messengers returns one day, he refers to the letter that he has brought as "yellowed" which means that they have been written a long time ago and he was never up to date with news from his family.

Continuing the battle

At the end of the story, the prince proceeds his journey even though he soon understands that he will neither return to his homeland nor meet his relatives or messengers. He apprehends he has spent the best years of his life in complete isolation however, as he decides to continue his journey it shows there is still hope in his life.

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