The Secret Zoo Irony

The Secret Zoo Irony

A little lady

Ella is not a stereotypical "girly girl." She could be more reckless than her best male friends and she is certainly a brave one. Although she is a wonderful person and a friend everyone dreams about, she is not a big fan of good manners. When she joins Noah at the far end of the cafeteria, she manages to talk to Noah and eat an apple at the very same time. When droplets of juice from Ella’s apple, spray on him, she sees “ no need to apologize ”. Slightly irritated Noah says that she has “ really nice manners ” and politely inquires, whether she shouldn’t be “ eating of the floor ”. The irony of his word is supposed to mock Ella’s unladylike manners.

A sparkling personality

Anyone, who knows Ella, is quite familiar with her sharp tongue. It doesn’t take her more than several seconds to come up with a witty remark or joke. For instance, Richie’s flashy shoes are her favorites to joke about. She says that “ they shine more than your personality does ”. The irony of her words indicates that Richie is the most rational in the trio and that he is a nerd.


When Richie sees what they are going to have for a lunch, he can’t determine what it is. He says “ I can’t wait to dig into this ”. The demonstrative pronoun “ this ” indicates that Riche doesn’t understand what kind of stuff lies on his plate. This is a pretty ironical situation, for children are often depicted as feeling aversion to the food served in their schools

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