The Rover



  • FLORINDA, Sister to Don Pedro, and Hellena. A very determined woman, Florinda refuses suitors due to her devoted love to Colonel Belville.
  • HELLENA, a young Woman design’d for a Nun, and Sister to Florinda. A confident, and brave woman like her sister, she questions religion and convinces Willmore to marry her.
  • VALERIA, a Kinswoman to Florinda who helps Florinda scheme and hide from Pedro.
  • ANGELLICA BIANCA, a famous Courtesan in Spain who returns to Naples to put herself up for sale. Don Pedro and Don Antonio attempt to pay the fee for Angellica, but she falls in love with Willmore, whom she attempts to kill later on in the play.
  • MORETTA, the "lady in waiting," or personal assistant, of Angellica Bianca.
  • CALLIS, Governess to Florinda and Hellena in charge of overseeing the girls and making sure they stay out of trouble. However, she is easily convinced and is later trapped in a chest so that she can't interrupt the marriage of Florinda.
  • LUCETTA, a "jilting wench" who steals the clothes and belongings from Blunt.

¤ In the original 1677 production, Anne Marshall played Angellica Bianca and Elizabeth Barry was Hellena.


  • DON ANTONIO, the King's Son, The Viceroy's Son, who is good friends with Don Pedro.
  • DON PEDRO, Florinda and Hellena's brother, a Noble Spaniard, Antonio's Friend.
  • BELVILE, an English Colonel deeply in love with Florinda despite the disapproval of her brother, Pedro.
  • WILLMORE, the "rover" to whom the title refers; a naval captain who spends most of his days roaming around.
  • FREDERICK, English Gentleman, Friend to Belville and Blunt
  • BLUNT, a foolish English Country Gentleman who gets duped out of all his possessions by Lucetta.
  • STEPHANO, Servant to Don Pedro
  • PHILLIPO, Lucetta's Gallant
  • SANCHO, Pimp to Lucetta
  • BISKEY and SEBASTIAN, two Bravoes to Angelica
  • DIEGO, Page to Don Antonio
  • PAGE to Hellena

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