The Romance of Tristan Quotes


“Now she had found not wine — but Passion and Joy most sharp, and Anguish without end, and Death”.


The author said it when Tristan and Iseult found poisoned wine and drank it. After this, they fell in love with each other so strongly that they couldn’t even hide it. This love was forbidden, and obviously wouldn’t bring anything good to their life. That’s why author mentioned that together with this wine the couple found also anguish and death.

“Love pressed them hard, as thirst presses the dying stag to the stream; love dropped upon them from high heaven, as a hawk slipped after long hunger falls right upon the bird. And love will not be hidden”.


The author said this about Tristan and Iseult. By this quote, readers can feel fully what the couple feels to each other, how passionate their love is. Here are many similes for better understanding of emotions of the lovers. Also here the author predicts that Tristan and Iseult will not be able to hide their love in the future.

“He stayed in Tintagel town and lodged with Gorvenal in a burgess’ house, and languished oh! more wounded than when in that past day the shaft of the Morholt had tainted his body”


This quote was said by the author when Tristan was exiled from the castle as King Mark found out about his betrayal with Iseult. Tristan stayed in the place not far from the castle, because he knew that couldn’t be without his lovely Iseult for a long time. Such words show us how wounded Tristan was because of his love and because oh impossibility to be with his lovely woman.

“For men see this and that outward thing, but God alone the heart, and in the heart alone is crime and the sole final judge is God”.


In the story, a great role is devoted to God and his effect on people’s lives. By this quote that was said by the author, we can see how strongly God’s power affected characters in the story. This words were said when King Mark discovered the betrayal and was going to kill Tristan. Nonetheless, Tristan knew that final judgment will be made by God only and no one in the world can blame him for his innocent feelings.

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