The One (The Selection) Quotes


Sliding my hands down Maxon’s arms, I guided his fingers to the zipper on the back of my dress, hoping that would be enough.

His hands lingered there for a moment, and I was seconds away from just asking him to unzip it when he burst out laughing.

The sound sobered me up pretty quickly.

“What’s so funny?” I asked, horrified, trying to think of an inconspicuous way to check my breath.

“Of everything you’ve done, this is by far the most entertaining!” Maxon bent over, hitting his knee as he laughed.

“Excuse me?”

He kissed me hard on my forehead. “I always wondered what it would be like to see you try.” He started laughing again. “I’m sorry; I have to go.” Even the way he stood held a sense of amusement. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

Chapter 1: The first scene with America and Maxon

This is one of the most memorable and funny scenes of all time, a good way to start of the book. The banter between the Maxon and America is hilarious, but also genuine at the same time.

This isn’t happily ever after.

It’s so much more than that.

Epilogue: The weddig

It is the promise of something more, a future together. They are happy, and we (the readers) melt in similar happiness. This was a beautiful ending to an encouraging, funny. and adorable love story. The quote is fetched from the last sentences in the epilogue.

“America,” Maxon said sweetly, forcing me to wipe my eyes and face him. “I know you see a king here, but let me be clear; this isn’t a command. This is a request, a plea. I beg you; make me the happiest man alive. Please do me the honor of becoming my wife.”

Chapter 32: The proposal

This is an important quote for all young men who ever want to get married. It captured the hearts of the (manly female) readers, and showed how much Maxon really wanted to marry America, despite everything they had been through. The quote is from right after the deaths of both the queen and the king, in the last chapter before the epilogue.

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