The Music of Bees Imagery

The Music of Bees Imagery

Jacob’s Mohawk

The author uses imagery to describe the unique features of Jacob Stevenson. The author writes, “Jacob Stevenson had the tallest Mohawk in the history of Hood River Valley High school. Even before it was listed as an official yearbook record, he was sure about it. In the senior photo, it was a blue-black masterpiece that flared up to a height of sixteen and a half inches." In the entire town, Jacob is outstanding and recognized because of his Mohawk style. When Alice accidentally collides with Jacob while carrying her honeybees, she recognizes him immediately because he is a familiar figure in the small town.

The view at the Sunnyvale Bee Company

The busy schedule at the Sunnyvale Bee Company is described using imagery. The author writes, "After all, the Sunnyvale Bee Company saw hundreds of millions of bees move through their yard on that day. When Alice arrived, she saw hundreds of bee packages awaiting pick up." Alice is a regular customer at the Sunnyvale Bee Company, and she expects delays before she is served because there is a beehive of activities in the company. Therefore, Alice must wake up early before traffic builds up to ensure she delivers her honeybees to the company during the morning before it is congested with customers.

Sound of the pickup

The circumstances leading to Jake’s accident are described using imagery. The author writes, "Jake was turned so inward that he didn't hear the sound of the pickup truck coming up behind him. He was facing away and wouldn't have seen one wheel riding inside the shoulder's white line." In this description, imagery is depicted to readers. Jake is driving while playing loud music, and he does not hear the pickup truck coming from behind his car. However, the accident provides an opportunity for Alice and Jake to know each other and, after that, create a strong bond of friendship.

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