The Muppet Christmas Carol


Charles Dickens and his friend Rizzo narrate the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a greedy, penny-pinching and lonely moneylender of nineteenth century London, who in particular does not share the merriment of Christmas. On Christmas Eve he rejects his nephew Fred's invitation to Christmas dinner, dismisses two gentlemen collecting money for charity, and tosses a wreath at a carol-singing Bean Bunny. His kind, humble employee Bob Cratchit and the other bookkeepers request to take Christmas Day off, since there will be no business for Scrooge on the day, to which he reluctantly agrees.

That night Scrooge encounters the shackled ghosts of his late business partners, Jacob and Robert Marley, in his bed chambers. They warn him to repent his wicked ways or be condemned to suffer in the afterlife as they do and that three spirits will visit him during the night. At one o'clock Scrooge is visited by the childlike Ghost of Christmas Past, who shows him visions of his childhood and early adult life. Along with Dickens and Rizzo, they visit his lonely school days and then his time as an employee at Fozziwig's rubber chicken factory. There, at Fozziwig's Christmas party, Scrooge meets a young woman named Belle, with whom he falls in love but lost as he chooses money more over her. Seeing this, a tearful Scrooge tells the Ghost to leave him as he returns to his home.

Scrooge next meets the gigantic, merry Ghost of Christmas Present, who shows him the joys and wonder of Christmas Day. Scrooge and the Ghost visit Fred's house, where Scrooge is made fun of for his stinginess and general ill will toward all. Scrooge and the spirit then visit Bob Cratchit's house, learning his family is content with the little they have. Scrooge also takes pity on Bob's ill son Tiny Tim, but is informed by the Ghost that if things continue they way they are Tim will soon die. The Ghost leaves Scrooge with The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, who takes Scrooge into the future where a recent death elicits no sympathy from the inhabitants of London and the stolen possessions of the deceased are sold to a fence named Old Joe. The Ghost also shows Scrooge the Cratchits' home, where they find Bob and his family mourning Tiny Tim.

Scrooge is led to the cemetery, where the Ghost points out the neglected grave of the unloved man; Scrooge wipes the snow away on the tombstone to see it bears his own name. Tearfully vowing to change his ways, Scrooge finds himself back in his bedroom, where he discovers it is Christmas Day. Filled with glee, he begins spreading happiness and joy around London, agreeing to give money to the gentlemen's charity and reconciling with Fred and Fezziwig. Scrooge has Bean buy the poulterer's prized Turkey and they, along with Dickens, Rizzo and the gentlemen, deliver it to Bob's famliy. Scrooge tells Bob he will raise his salary and pay off his mortgage, Dickens tells that Tiny Tim escaped death thanks to Scrooge's new generosity, and everyone celebrates Christmas together.

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