The Minpins Summary

The Minpins Summary

The Minipins (published in 1991, a year after the author's death) is Roald Dahl's last book. It tells the story of a young kid called Little Billy, whose mother doesn't allow him to do much of anything. Most particularly, though, his mother forbids Little Billy from entering the Forest of Sin behind their house, fearing that the Whangdoodle, Hornswogglers, Snozzwanglers, Vermicious knids, and the elaborately-named Terrible Blood-Suckling Tooth-Pluckling Stone-Chuckling Spittler would seriously frighten- nigh harm him - if he entered their territory.

But Little Billy doesn't believe his mother. He thinks that she is lying and decides to venture into the forest, where he finds that a Red-Hot Smoke-Belching Gruncher is following him. This causes Little Billy to climb into a tree for his own safety. But Little Billy quickly learns that he cannot escape the tree, so he devises a plan with the other animals to get rid of the Red-Hot Smoke-Belching Gruncher so that he - as well as the other animals - can remain safe, something which he ultimately does.

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