The Matrix Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Matrix Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


All the different characters in the Matrix wear sunglasses, which is a motif for how people shield themselves by putting up a wall. The sunglasses don’t let people see in and reflect the person the characters are facing. When they do get removed people are more vulnerable or they get a new perspective of things.

Matrix green light

The filtration of green light in the matrix is also a symbol in the movie. In the matrix the world is bathed in green light and it is like we see the world through a lens. This tells the viewer that what is seen might not be true and that the characters can’t really trust their senses because they never know what is drawn across their eyes.

The number 3

The number three runs throughout the movie, portrayed in the trinity that the protagonists make and the antagonist make as well. This movie focuses on the mind body and soul of the characters that also can symbolize the biblical trinity, and the movie starts and ends in the room 303.

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