The Matrix Characters

The Matrix Character List

Thomas Anderson

Thomas Anderson, also called Neo, lives in an alternative reality program, which he doesn’t know isn’t real. Thomas is a professional program ware hacker and has made himself rich through his self-proclaimed job. He is trying to find out what the Matrix is, before all is revealed, and he is told he is destined to save the world and all mankind.

The Oracle

The Oracle is a program that holds the prediction the future, as she is deeply informed in psychology. She is a female with short, black curly hair and chestnut skin, and is viewed as a human though she essentially is the creation of robots. She has other human personifications, such as her love for cookies and all things sweet.


Morpheus is an enigma, the visualization of a new world, fundamentally the real world encrypted to rebirth minds that want to be freed from the Matrix. Morpheus is a bit of an abstract being, as he has been compared to God by several people in numerous analyses. He makes sure the plan and destiny of the people around him are fulfilled and might be even more of a psychic than the Oracle herself.


Trinity's main function in the plot is her romantic relation to Neo. As well as Neo she is a skilled hacker and is recognized by many as one of the greatest for her amazing job at cracking one of the most secure databases. She is saved from the Matrix by Morpheus and becomes one of the first crew members on the Nebuchadnezzar. As mentioned, she is marvelous with computers and machines, she controls vehicles both inside and outside of the Matrix and in material arts.

Agent Smith

Agent Smith has an important role; his job is to terminate people that could pose a threat to the stability of the Matrix. He is not a person, but a program, an AI. Because of this, he is able to take over bodies of the habitants in the Matrix. He is immortal and he can appear anywhere at any time.

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