The Lumber Room

The Lumber Room Imagery

An Expression of Considerable Obstinacy (Visual Imagery)

When Nicholas's aunt decides to worsen his punishment by barring him from entering the gooseberry garden, Nicholas's face takes on "an expression of considerable obstinacy." In this example of visual imagery, Saki describes Nicholas's face to make clear his stubbornness and upset. The aunt understands from Nicholas's facial expression that he is going to try to enter the gooseberry garden because she has explicitly told him not to. However, when it is revealed that Nicholas does not actually want to get into the garden, the reader realizes Nicholas was merely using his face to fake his displeasure.

Key Turned Stiffly In the Lock (Kinesthetic Imagery)

Once Nicholas gets the key to the lumber room from the high shelf in the library, he goes to try it in the door. Saki writes: "The key turned stiffly in the lock, but it turned. The door opened, and Nicholas was in an unknown land." In this example of kinesthetic imagery, Saki describes the motion of the key turning in the stiff lock. By detailing the motion, Saki immerses the reader in Nicholas's experience by adding a sense of reality to the scene.

A Shriek and a Cry (Auditory Imagery)

While absorbed in a book containing pictures of birds, Nicholas hears his aunt call his name. He ignores her, and "the angry repetitions of Nicholas’ name [give] way to a shriek, and a cry for somebody to come quickly." In this example of auditory imagery, the distressed aunt's calls contrast sharply with Nicholas's peaceful time in the lumber room, reminding both Nicholas and the reader of the forgotten threat of the watchful aunt.