The Lumber Room

What are the similarities between aunt and Nicholas?

what are the similarities between aunt and nicholas?

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I don't see many similarities between Nicholas and his aunt. He is mischievious, smart, and imaginative, and disobedient. His aunt is short-sighted and without imagination. Her moments of deceit aren't good natured. The only time I really see a commonality between the two is when Nicholas turns the table on his aunt and refuses to entered the garden because she told him not to.


The Lumber Room

One similarity i see in the both of them is stubbornness; both of them are stubborn about many things. Nicholas was pretty adamant on defying his aunt and his aunt was stubborn on making Nicholas being punished for his misconducts.

The nephew and aunt are both fiercely determined; the nephew is dead set to prove that adults are not always right and the aunt hell bent on making sure the children are punished strictly for their wrong doings.


The Lumber Room