The Lost Year Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How do the characters navigate their paths to truth amid personal challenges and societal barriers?

    The novel emphasizes the theme of integrity by showing how storytelling can uncover historical truths. Marsh underscores the significance of preserving accurate historical accounts by exposing the Holodomor's hidden truth. Characters navigate their paths to truth highlighting the importance of courage in facing historical and societal barriers. Both Helen and Matthew work towards understanding the plight of Ukrainians while being from different timelines. Helen heads on to reveal the suffering that was happening in real-time despite the propaganda pushed by the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, Matthew learns the truth from GG as he is left with the obligation to tell the rest of the family history. By revealing family secrets, the characters demonstrate the power of storytelling in preserving truth.

  2. 2

    What emotional and thematic resonance does the alternating timelines create in the novel?

    The Holodomor profoundly affects the characters and their families in the novel. Mila, Helen, and Matthew, living in different timelines, grapple with the legacy of this event. Marsh employs these alternating timelines to juxtapose the hardships faced by Ukrainian families during the famine with the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in Matthew's present-day life. It prompts readers to reflect on the past and appreciate the progress made while recognizing the lasting impact of historical events. The alternating timelines also parallel the personal growth and healing processes of the characters. By presenting events from the 1930s alongside the contemporary narrative, the novel underscores the continuity of family, heritage, and the legacy of trauma.

  3. 3

    How does the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the discovery of family secrets influence Matthew’s growth?

    Throughout the narrative, Matthew undergoes significant character development. With limited social interactions due to safety measures, Matthew is confronted with his thoughts and emotions. He learns to cope with uncertainty, change, and adversity. The pandemic prompts introspection and a deeper understanding of his great-grandmother's past. Furthermore, learning about GG's past and the historical context of the Holodomor cultivates empathy within Matthew. He begins to understand its role in connecting with others who have experienced hardship. The uncovering of family secrets enriches his sense of identity and heritage strengthening familial bonds. Evidence from the novel demonstrates his evolving perspective amidst challenging circumstances.

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