The Lonely Londoners

The Lonely Londoners Metaphors and Similes

The Circus Has a Magnet (Metaphor)

Talking about Galahad's enjoyment of Piccadilly Circus, Selvon notes: "That circus have a magnet for him." He uses this metaphor to suggest the intense appeal that the circus holds for Galahad, while also suggesting that its draw is automatic, like the pull of a magnet on a metallic object.

Black Like Midnight

Someone remarks to Five that he is "black like midnight." For this reason, he gets the nickname Five Past Twelve. This metaphor provides context for Five's name while also giving a vivid image of the color of his skin.

Frozen Words (Metaphor)

Moses makes a comment about how people talk in London: “Sometimes the words freeze and you have to melt it to hear the talk.” He uses this metaphor to describe the cold welcome white Londoners give immigrants and links it to the coldness of the temperature. He says the words are frozen to suggest that they aren't conveying much emotional warmth.

Feeling Hearts (Metaphor)

As he walks through the park while on a date, Galahad is described as "feeling hearts." This metaphor means that he feels "hearts" surrounding him, as if his romantic emotions are being made literal. Selvon employs this metaphor to give a strong impression of Galahad's internal state.

Little Worlds (Metaphor)

The narrator notes that London "divide[s] up in little worlds." What this means is that each neighbor is its own, largely isolated, world. Selvon uses this metaphor to underscore how rich the culture of each of these neighborhoods is while also highlighting their relative isolation from each other.