The Lion of Mars Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Lion of Mars Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Bell is a symbol of courage.

Bell is the youngest of all four children on planet Mars, but he is bold enough to influence others to break the chief rule governing the settlement on the planet. Bell is a curious child and wants to know why Commander Sai does not want the people of the settlement to interact with other colonies. Therefore, Bell influences other children and boldly crosses over to the other colony to explore what is hidden there. Consequently, Bell is courageous and ready to take risks to discover new things.

Planet Mars is a symbol of scientific invention.

Mars is a symbol of future scientific inventions. The novel is set in 2091 when the global population will have tripled. Therefore, scientists will transfer extra people to planet Mars to ease pressure on the constraint of the available resources on Earth. Similarly, the author hints that those living on Mars will use algae-based food and regularly get supplements from Earth.

Commander Sai is a symbol of oppression

Commander Sai symbolizes oppression. Due to his restrained relationship with the authorities on Earth, planet Mars does not get adequate food and medical supplies. Similarly, Commander Sai restricts people from interacting with those from other colonies without giving valid reasons. When a deadly virus attacks the residents of planet Mars, all adults die because of delayed medical supplies from Earth. However, the children survive by running away to the other colonies.

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