The Leopard


"If we want everything to stay as it is, everything has to change." (spoken by Tancredi)[37] The Italian text is "Se vogliamo che tutto rimanga com'è bisogna che tutto cambi."[38]

"We were the Leopards, the Lions, those who'll take our place will be little jackals, hyenas; and the whole lot of us, Leopards, jackals, and sheep, we'll all go on thinking ourselves the salt of the earth." (spoken by Don Fabrizio)[39] The Italian text is "Noi fummo i Gattopardi, i Leoni; quelli che ci sostituiranno saranno gli sciacalletti, le iene. E tutti quanti, Gattopardi, sciacalli e pecore, continueremo a crederci il sale della terra."[40]

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