The Last Thing He Told Me Summary

The Last Thing He Told Me Summary

One day, a woman called Hannah finds out that her husband, Owen, has disappeared after he finds out the company he works for is raided by the FBI and the SEC. The CEO of the company and several other senior level employees have already been arrested, and Owen does not want to be the next person who is arrested.

Adding mystery to the situation, Owen's daughter Bailey discovers a large bag filled with cash that her father left for her. Perplexed, Hannah and Bailey try to discover what happened to Owen. Hannah enlists the legal help of her ex-fiancé, Jake after a U.S. Marshall and two FBI agents visit her house looking for Owen, whom she realizes has more going on than meets the eye. After Hannah speaks with these agents, she discovers that Owen may have had some sort of connection to the city of Austin, Texas.

After her talk with the Federal Agents, Hannah decides to take Bailey, who was initially skeptical of her intentions, to Austin to discover how Owen was connected to the city. The two track Owen to a university professor, who leads them to a woman called Katherine Smith, who is Bailey's mother (and who Bailey remembers as Olivia).

The two find Katherine Smith's bar and, after speaking with Katherine's son, find out that Owen - whose real name they discover is Ethan Young - was married to Katherine, who died as a result of a tragic accident. There was quite a bit of family strife as a result of Katherine's death, and Owen/Ethan took Bailey (whose real name she discovers is Kirstin) away. Prior to his leaving, though, Owen/Ethan put people responsible for heinous acts behind bars.

Ultimately, Bailey and Hannah discover that Ethan/Owen ran away because he feared that his new identity would be compromised. This is confirmed by the U.S. Marshall who helped Ethan/Owen escape initially and is now "investigating" his disappearance.

Bailey and Hannah live together for many years thereafter. One day, however, at an exhibition at work, Hannah sees Ethan/Owen, who says hello to her.

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