The Last Quentista Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Last Quentista Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Petra’s cuentos (stories)

Storytelling and stories play a major role in the novel and represent the main symbolism. Lita’s and Petra’s stories represent heritage, history, and humanity in its most pure form. The stories also represent hope and possibilities, which is why Petra was able to influence the re-programmed Zeta’s, despite the fact that their identities were erased. She also gave hope for a better and more colorful life to Voxy, the young boy who was born on the spaceship and knew nothing but the grayness of it.

The obsidian pendant from Petra’s grandmother

Lita gives an obsidian pendant to Petra in the last conversation they have and tells her it holds the magic to bring lost ones together. Centuries later, on a ship controlled by the Collective, Petra discovers the pendant hidden among other relics of humanity in Voxy’s room. Soon after, she is reunited with Javier, her little brother who is now an old man, proving her grandmother’s words. The pendant is a symbol of Petra’s history and a reminder to never give up on hope.

A young fire snake nagual

At the beginning of the novel, Petra’s mother tells her a story about a young fire snake, a son of Mother Earth and Father Sun. Trying to get close to his father, the snake blinds himself and starts on a journey back to his mother Earth. This story is told before the reveal that a comet is approaching Earth to destroy it, and the direct symbolism of it in the story makes the story much more sinister and sad than initially thought.

The fox and crow allegory

Upon the initial meeting with Nyla, the leader of the Collective, Petra is immediately reminded of the story Lita told her about the fox and the crow. It is a cautionary tale that reminds us of the existence of individuals like the fox, who are willing to make promises to gain trust. It is a clear implication that the leader is like the fox from the story, who makes promises to everyone, even her people, for her own interest.

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