The Last Quentista Characters

The Last Quentista Character List

Petra Peña

The main protagonist in the novel, Petra, is a twelve-year-old girl who finds herself in a situation where the history of humankind depends on her. Inheriting the love for storytelling from her grandmother Lita, she discovers the importance and power of stories for humankind. After she wakes up from an induced coma to preserve her body for the arrival on the new planet, she discovers that things on the spaceship haven't turned out the way humanity planned.


Voxy is a young boy who was born as a part of the Collective and under the apprenticeship of its leader. But, aside from his translucent skin and sickly appearance, nothing else connects him to the Collective's mission or politics. He is just a curious, young boy who wants to listen to Petra's cuentos.


Suma is another girl who was in the same section as Petra, and who was re-programmed after being woken up by the Collective to lose all traits of her previous, human self. She becomes Zeta-2, and is eager to serve the Collective. But like the rest, she is fascinated and influenced by Petra's cuentos.


Lita, short for Abuelita, is Petra's grandmother, who physically appears only at the beginning of the novel as she is telling her the story about the young fire snake. Nevertheless, her influence and presence are felt throughout. She is Petra's guide and strength.


Nyla is the leader of the Collective. The Collective is a group that secretly infiltrated the spaceship before it left Earth with a plan to change everything the remainder of humanity planned to build on Sagan. Soon after the takeoff, they took over the ship, destroying the plans and using up the resources meant for humanity's survival, and using the people meant for inhabiting the planet as their servants. Nyla is the current leader, a product of a few generations with an eagerness to make the Collective the new humanity.

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