The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Luc’s ring

Addie, in the present time, carries an old wooden ring with her at all times. The ring is revealed to be the ring her father made for her at her wedding, the ring she thought Luc destroyed, but eventually gave to her as a token to call upon him. It symbolizes a part of her past, reminds her of the fateful night her life took a complete turn, and her unbreakable bond with Luc.

Addie’s seven freckles

Repeatedly mentioned throughout, Addie’s seven freckles on her face are compared to stars, to her personal constellation. The freckles symbolize the means for her to be recognized throughout history, her ability to leave a mark, despite being invisible and forgotten by everyone. Each of the paintings and works of art are blurred, and don't reveal her appearance, save for the seven freckles.

Luc’s appearance

It is interesting that the devil, the god of the darkness, takes Addie’s desired form. It is his means to seduce her and to make the creation of the pact easier. What’s more interesting is that the appearance and the name appeared in Addie’s mind randomly, before meeting with the devil. It raises a question of the god of darkness’s true form and name, and whether the form and name Addie believes to have made up, is his actual form.


Time is the central motif of the novel. Addie wanted more time because she was afraid of dying and living a meaningless life. She was given infinite time by Luc. Henry wanted to end his time, so he was content with only a year of love, but later regretted it as time started to move faster than he ever noticed before.

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