The Infinite Sea

The Infinite Sea Onomatopoeia

"Scratch, scratch, tap, tap." (25)

"Ben tsked at me and jerked his head toward the door." (36)

"Snick: The door closed behind me." (64)

"Kaboom. I know. You already told me that." (146)

"The expression in his chocolatey (gah) eyes was infinitely sad." (157)

"His nose breaks with a satisfying crunch." (199)

"The beep-beep of the monitor." (204)

"Up, back, cut. Back, up. Boom." (231)

Throughout this book, the author uses onomatopoeia in order to bring the reader more fully into the world he has created. It helps the reader imagine what the world sounds like to the characters that are in it. The beeping of the monitor where Ringer lies as she becomes an enhanced human, the gah sound Cassie makes when she thinks of Evan's eyes, the sound of a door closing, a bomb exploding, Ben scolding Cassie with a tsk. All of these sounds helps enrich our understanding of the world and the characters.