The Infinite Sea

The Infinite Sea Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What are some of the parallels between Cassie and Evan?

    Both Cassie and Evan are willing to die for those they love.

    Also, like Cassie in the first book, Evan finds himself trapped under a car with a Silencer on his tail. In order to escape the Silencer, Grace, Evan does the same thing that Cassie does. He slowly gets up and walks away because he knows Grace wants to know who he is working with. He is Grace's weakness, just as Cassie was his weakness.

    Cassie also nurses Evan back to health, just as he nursed her back to health after she almost froze to death in a snowbank.

  2. 2

    Who are the Others and what is their agenda? How do we find out?

    We find out who the Others are through Ringer's conversation with Vosch. Vosch makes Ringer into an Other by enhancing her, thus revealing that the Others are nothing more than enhanced humans who want to dominate the earth themselves. They have been enhanced through the Twelfth System, inserted when they were still in their mothers' wombs. This explains the incredibly personal and targeted nature of the waves, and why the Others didn't take the conventional battle or asteroid approach that humans envisioned. The Others were vastly outnumbered, so by using the plague and natural disasters, they have leveled the playing field.

  3. 3

    What is the significance of Megan?

    Megan is Sammy's friend from Camp Haven, who was marked green, while he was marked red. He hasn't seen her since then. Megan suddenly appears in the hotel, an unwitting bomb. The Others send her in in order to test if Evan is working with the rogue squad. Since the bomb doesn't explode and is disarmed, they now have confirmation that an Other has switched sides and become a traitor. This gives the Others insight into such rogue agents, and will allow them to better manipulate and prevent other Evans from happening. Megan is saved by Cassie and Evan as they surgically remove the bomb from her throat.

  4. 4

    What is the nature of Cassie and Ringer's relationship?

    The two girls dislike each other heavily. There is nothing that they like about with one another, and they do not trust the other. This is exacerbated by the fact that Ringer doesn't trust Evan, that Cassie is jealous of Ringer, and that the squad bonded during recruitment. Cassie feels left out and alone. They exchange words and paint cruelly accurate portraits of one another's weaknesses.

  5. 5

    What is the state of Cassie and Sammy's relationship?

    Cassie is very protective of Sammy still. She risks her life several times for him throughout the course of this book. She is also very jealous of how close Sammy is to Ben, and asks that they call Sammy by his name, not Nugget, since that nickname reminds her of McDonald's. Sammy struggles with the fact that their father is dead and that Cassie didn't tell him. In order to spare Sammy's feelings and his memory of their father, Cassie tells Sammy that he died fighting bravely, not crawling away to safety.