The Illness Lesson Characters

The Illness Lesson Character List

Caroline Hood

Caroline Hood is the central character, and she is the daughter of Samuel. The author depicts Caroline as an intelligent and supportive young woman focused on achieving her goals. Caroline is an English graduate who works closely with her father to educate girls in their neighborhood.

Caroline says the red birds are a sign of bad luck, and she hopes they will never appear around their home. The first time these birds appeared, Caroline's mother contracted a strange disease and died. When the same birds reappear several years later, Caroline gets worried. Caroline tries to tell her father of the looming danger, but he dismisses her, saying that the birds are showing that something good is about to happen.


Samuel is Caroline's father and the girls' boarding school owner. Samuel is an ambitious man, and throughout his life, he wanted to build a school to empower women in his society. However, Samuel is an individual who takes things for granted. For instance, when Caroline tells him that a disaster is about to strike his school, he disagrees and tells her that the birds as a sign of good luck. Unfortunately, the girls in the whole school contract a strange disease after the appearance of the red birds.


David is Samuel's close friend. When Samuel completes constructing the boarding school, he requests David to join him as part of the teaching staff. David gladly takes the offer and joins Caroline in teaching the girls. David is described as charismatic, charming, and hardworking.

The Doctor

The Doctor is Samuel's childhood friend. When the girls in the school contract a strange disease, Samuel calls the Doctor to come and see what is happening. When the Doctor arrives, he examines the girls and gives them medication. However, Caroline discovers that the Doctor has given a wrong diagnosis because he misinterpreted the symptoms.

The girls

The girls are the students at Samuel's boarding school. Shortly after joining the school, the girls start experiencing strange symptoms such as skin rashes, headaches, and vomiting. When the girls try to explain their symptoms to the Dr, he misinterprets them and gives them the wrong medication.

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