The Haunted Hotel Metaphors and Similes

The Haunted Hotel Metaphors and Similes

Like the eyes of a serpent

Upon her first encounter with Lady Agnes, Countess Corona is extremely frightened. She sees her evil destiny in the eyes of this woman. They affect her like the eyes of a serpent, and under their innocence she sees the reflection of her wickedness. Wickedness for which Lady Agnes will be the judgement.

Feeling that entirely filled Agnes’s heart

Even after her man, Lord Montburry, left her Lady Agnes is unable to get over the emotions she accumulated for him. She describes her love as a feeling that entirely filled her heart, and wonders if their fortunes are truly separated.

Like a culprit before a merciless judge

Lady Montbarry or Countess Narona discovers Lady Agnes’s whereabouts and is eager to reach her and condemn her for her misfortune. But, finally standing in front of her, Lady Montbarry loses her courage and feels herself like a culprit before a merciless judge.

Rope around the neck

Another one of Lord Montbarry’s brothers Francis has a sudden meeting with Countess Narona in Venice. Noticing that she isn’t completely sane, he tries to escape her presence but finds himself intrigued by what she has to say. Countess Narona is completely certain of her inevitable death after her encounter with Lady Agnes and tells that Destiny has a rope around her neck.

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