The Greatest Gift Quotes


“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

The Shabby Little Man (Stranger)

The Shabby little man is a savior, and his powerful words stop George from committing suicide. George is depressed, and he does not see the meaning of life. Therefore, he stands at the bridge rails, ready to jump into the river. However, the man tells George he is not alone in that problem. The quote shows the dangers of depression. However, the quote signifies sharing one's problems with others to ease the burden of pain and despair.

“What doors in whose face?”


The mysterious man has the solution to George's problems, but initially, he is mad at him. The strange man knows everything about George, from his problems to his entire family. When the strange man tells George he has the solution to his problems, George is mad at him because he thinks he is a joker. However, Satchel, the strange man, gives George signifies good luck, which can enable him to be accepted by the very people that rejected him.

“And sick of everything.”


The lamentation of George is traced back to his despair and lack of optimism. When the young man asks him why he wants to kill himself, George reveals that he has nothing to show despite working for several years as a banker. George argues that other men are doing well in their families and are happy. However, George thinks his life is doomed and has no reason to continue living.

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