The Greatest Gift Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the author develop depression as one of the main themes?

    The story's protagonist is George Pratt, and the author depicts him as a troubled man. The story opens on Christmas, and George stands on the bridge to throw himself into the river. George thinks this is the end of the road because problems from every side surround him. Therefore, George is depressed to the point of wanting to commit suicide. Fortunately, an unnamed young man appears and tells George never to kill himself because his family needs him. To ensure George is accepted, he gives him a satchel to help him reconnect with his family.

  2. 2

    What is the conflict between George and Arthur?

    The major conflict between George and Arthur is that they both dated Mary, George's wife. After some time, George meets Jim and asks him about Mary and Arthur. Jim tells George that Mary is Arthur's wife, and they have two children. George feels bad and more depressed because his rival finally managed to take his wife. However, when George uses the satchel given to him, he wakes up to find his wife is still there and waiting for him.

  3. 3

    Why are George’s parents grieving in his dream?

    When George returns home, he finds his parents unhappy. When he looks at the wall, he sees his brother's photo on the wall, and he asks where he is. Sadly, George's parents tell him that his brother, Harry, drowned the day he left. George is heartbroken and decides to go out and see Mary, who is now married to Arthur with two children. He later goes to a mysterious man who gives him a satchel to tell him that the magic is not working.

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