The Grass is Singing

The Grass is Singing Irony

"But a native, although conveniently endowed by nature with the ability to walk long distances without feeling fatigue, cannot carry sacks of flour and mealic meal; and once a month the trip was made by car." (Dramatic Irony)

It is clear that the idea that native servants do not feel fatigued is a preconception held by their white employers—a way of thinking that just by being stated exposes the indifference and cruelty of those employers. Through free indirect discourse, the narrator demonstrates through expression just how myopic and ignorant this perspective is.

Mary speaking flirtatiously to Moses (Situational Irony)

Charlie Slatter finds it disturbing that Mary should speak to Moses in the same kind of over-familiar, almost flirtatious manner that she uses with him. This ironically places Charlie on the same level as Moses—something that disturbs Charlie deeply.

Dick's wanting and not wanting a child (Dramatic Irony)

As evidenced by his cut-out of a woman and child, which Mary sees when she arrives at his house, Dick desires not only a wife but also a child. However, when Mary asks to have a child, Dick refuses her, saying that they do not have enough money—though this was originally his own wish. This kind of ironic self-contradiction only exacerbates the problems in Mary and Dick's marriage.

Mary taking over farm work (Dramatic Irony)

At first, Mary is loath to be involved with anything concerning the farm. This changes when Dick is stricken with malaria, and she finds herself unexpectedly enjoying the feeling of dominance that comes with supervising labor.