The Female Persuasion Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Female Persuasion Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Ms. Pac-Man

Relatively early on in the novel, Cory is described as a master player of the video game sequel Pac-Man which featured the character's apparent wife, even though in reality the ghost-gobbler barely appears female at all. That Cory would master the original would hardly seem surprising, but that he would also dominate the game featuring a feminized version—to a point—bothers his boyfriend in a way she cannot quite understand at first. It is not that difficult: a guy getting the high score on a game in which he is in charge of leading a female through a maze is an almost perfect metaphor for patriarchal domination.


The narrator spells out the symbolic significant of reading, but it is hardly necessary. What is described directly is made more than obvious through imagery that reveals the truth. Of course, anyone who is a voracious reader hardly needs to be told or shown this fact of life:

“Books were an antidepressant, a powerful SSRI.”

Slowly the Turtle

A major symbol that exists entirely for the purpose of being symbolic is Alby Pinto’s turtle. Aptly named Slowy because of a lack of rapid locomotive abilities, that diminution of speedy progress becomes symbolic of the pace of grief. Grief lingers like a turtle racing a hare, heading toward an inevitable victory, but how far off that success lies is anybody’s guess.

Sofa Beds

Like books, the author is compelled to make explicit the symbolic value of sofa beds rather than trusting in the ability to convey that meaning through simple imagery. Of course, even an explicit summation may not be enough for some readers. To the point: sofa beds are symbolic of the transient nature of youth and its usual accompaniment of economic dearth:

“This was an era in which sofa beds were frequently opened and unfolded; at this age people were still floating, not entirely landed, still needing places to stay the night sometimes.”

Faith Frank’s Boots

Throughout the narrative, special mention and attention is paid to Faith Frank’s footwear. The narrator informs the reader that in almost every photo of Faith, she is wearing her “signature look” that is defined by high suede boots. “Sexy” boots, not functional boots. This fashion statement is less a symbol in itself than a style choice chose for its symbolic status: increasing her stature and self-defining her personality. Something quite necessary for the person who desires to viewed as a mentor.

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