The Female Persuasion Metaphors and Similes

The Female Persuasion Metaphors and Similes

“eyes like a carp”

There is a sexual predator loose on the campus. And one particularly memorable aspect of his appearance is put into metaphorical form by one of the many witnesses who recalled his creepy persona and predatory style of flirtation.

Construction Site Ahead

If you are a teenager or in your early twenties, that is. If you are into your thirties or beyond, never mind and proceed at your current speed. The period between teenage angst and the first slide into middle age comfort and security has been described metaphorically in many ways, but this particular example really nails it:

Your twenties were a time when you still felt young, but the groundwork was being laid in a serious way, crisscrossing beneath the surface. It was being laid even while you slept. What you did, where you lived, who you loved, all of it was like pieces of track being put down in the middle of the night by stealth workers.

Life’s Purpose

Equally true is that metaphorical imagery abounds to describe those things we have decided to endow with the rationale for our existence. Why are we here? What are we meant to do? What imagery best encapsulates this concept of life as having a built-in purpose?

“We were all put on this earth to row the boats we were meant to row.”

Private Lives

Getting a peek into the private world of a married couple can be an eye-opening experience. Even couples that seem to be perfectly matched out in the world can seem absolutely insanely coupled when their daily lives are winnowed down to their hourly lives. Such is the conclusion that the narrative arrives at getting a glimpse into the wide gulf existing between a wife whose bookshelf includes Van Eyck and the Netherlandish Aesthetic while the husband collection features a mystery titled The Mice Will Play with a garish decorated cover:

“People’s marriages were like two-person religious cults, impossible to understand.”

Readers Get It

If you are a “reader” who is one of those people of whom it said always has a book in your hand—or, alternatively, a tablet these days—the following metaphorical image will almost certainly ring true. There is truth is this assertion, though perhaps the medical terminology is not as concrete as some other choice might have been.

Books were an antidepressant, a powerful SSRI. She'd always been one of those girls with socked feet tucked under her, her mouth slightly open in stunned, almost doped-up concentration.

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