The Fair Jilt Themes

The Fair Jilt Themes


One of the most important themes in this work is that of arrogance. From the beginning, it is clear that Miranda is a wealthy, accomplished and beautiful woman. But soon it also becomes clear that she is an arrogant woman. She takes the gifts and accepts the gestures from the suitors readily but gives them back nothing. Also, a pivotal point in the text is when she accuses Henrick of rape when he rejects her.


Another significant theme in this text is that of desire. This doesn't just refer to that of romantic desire, or the desire that made Miranda's husband readily attempt to kill her sister, but also Miranda's desire for wealth.


Vengeance is again a very prominent theme in this text. It is a theme that manifests in this work quite a few times. At first, when Henrick rejects Miranda, she is enraged and accuses him of rape. Then she avenges the humiliation she feels when her sister leaves by sending someone to poison her, and later, sending her husband to shoot her.

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