The Dark Forest Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How is the theme of love tackled in the novel?

    The theme of love is not discussed directly but it is a major motivator of the characters in the book as all their actions, for better or worse are motivated by love. The reluctant wallfacer Luo Ji is motivated to act because of his love for his wife and child then genuine love for humanity is what moves him to help prevent the Trisolaran invasion.

  2. 2

    How is the theme of oppression discussed in the novel?

    The theme of oppression is found throughout the novel and it is not just the Trisolarans that are the tormentors: the UN and the Chinese government also make use of thuggish methods to coerce Luo Ji to participate in the Wallfacer program. Events in the novel are also motivated by the cruel presence of the Trisolarans in the form of their sophons watching mankind’s every move and theme is heavily tied up to the response of humanity as a species to the very real menace of extinction posed by the alien invasion.

  3. 3

    Why does Luo Ji refuse to take part in the Wallfacer program?

    It is never explicitly stated in the novel but it can be surmised that Luo Ji refuses to take part in the program because he doesn’t want to carry such a heavy burden---literally the lives of millions of people and potentially the continued existence of planet Earth---is placed upon him. He is a textbook reluctant hero and thus most be motivated by the kidnapping of his wife and child.

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