The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008 Film) Imagery

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008 Film) Imagery

Chain of Events

We see a chain of seemingly unconnected events occurring that eventually leads to Daisy be hit by a car. Daisy is seen in warm lighting, and the majority of the events occurring are seen in a blue tone. The imagery reveals the terrible event that is to come as Daisy, dressed in a bright yellow, is connected to the blue tone clips in the final clip as she is struck by the car, and how all of these events connect to a moment that forever impacts Daisy's life.

Spring 1962

Benjamin comes home and begins to enter one door of the house when Daisy is seen in the doorway of another door, before they embrace in a hug. The imagery shows us that these two separate paths are finally connecting after years of missing one another.

Out on the Sea

We watch as Benjamin and Daisy sail through beautiful ocean sharing their days and lives together. The imagery becomes stormy and represents the reality that they are not on solid ground, but in a place out on water that they will eventually have to come back from, never to return.

Starting Over

Caroline reads the letter from her father about having the strength to live life with no belief that it's too late, or early. Simultaneously, we see Benjamin embarking on journey after journey in the end of his life throughout the world. He had to choose to start over, and over and over again as he became younger and younger as he got older.

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