The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008 Film) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the story of the clock work into the plot of the story?

    Benjamin is born in 1918, the same year the clockmaker unveils his final work at a train station in New Orleans, a clock which runs backwards and represents time going back for the young men who lost their lives in World War I. Benjamin's life seems deeply connected to this clock as he passes away in 2003, one year after the clock is replaced with one that runs forward. Benjamin's life is not normal nor natural to the world he lives in, just as a clock running backwards. And, in many ways his life appears to be not so "useful", just as the clock. But, instead Benjamin's life, like the clock, is a symbol of the precious nature of our lives. That seeing life from the perspective of death can dramatically impact the way we view the world and spend our time as Benjamin's life exemplifies in the story. He embodies the backwards-running clock.

  2. 2

    How does Daisy end up back in New Orleans?

    Daisy became a professional dancer, training in ballet in New York before living and working in Paris. While in France she was hit by a car and her leg was broken so severely that she could never perform again. Thus, she returned to New Orleans and opened a dance studio for children where she reunites with Benjamin as their age finally intersects in a way that is "on time."

  3. 3

    Why does Benjamin leave Daisy and their daughter?

    Benjamin knows that his aging is far from normal. He has experienced the world in a way that no one else, to his knowledge has, and it has given him a perspective that forces him to look at his life plainly. And, when he does he knows that he will become a child at some point much younger than his very own daughter which is too hard for anyone to bear. He leaves in order to protect Daisy and Caroline, and at the same time gives up everything he loves.

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