The Conjoined: A Novel Themes

The Conjoined: A Novel Themes

Mysterious Murder

In the very beginning, Gerry and Jessica find the dead bodies of two innocent young girls named Jamie and Casey Cheng. They are found in the freezer. The reader assumes that this will be a detective story, but it helps Lee to create a twist for the reader. It is the center of this novel around which other parts are developed.


It is the most important theme in this novel. Jessica is the main character of this novel who discovers many things throughout the story. Except this, she also advices her boyfriend to be like ‘man’. She is a social worker. Beside this prospect, there are other downtrodden women like Cheng sisters and their mother Ginny who cannot survive in the world.

Gender discrimination

Patriarchal society dominates the females, since Bill, the father of Cheng sister is a drunkard but tortures his wife. Even, Casey is raped many times by male members of this society. But, we should admit, this gender discrimination prevails explicitly in the lower class society.

Love relations

In the lower class society, there is a relationship between Bill and Genny in which Bill is kicked out of that house many times. It is only based on sexual desire. Another instance is the physical love of Casey with 37 years old friend Wayen Chow. Only true love relation found between Jessica and Trevor in the upper middle class society.

Class Conflict

It is very obvious, when two classes juxtaposed in a novel, that we should find out the theme of class conflict. Lower class society of Cheng family is dominated by upper class society members like Tindall family and nourished by Campbell family.

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