The Collected Poems of H.D. Summary

The Collected Poems of H.D. Summary


"Helen" by H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) is a poem about how Greece hated Helen of Troy as she was the reason behind one of the greatest wars in History that lasted for 10 years. The reason behind the war was Helen’s beauty. The poet says that Greece hated her smile, her eyes, her face. Greece reviled her pale face when she smiled and hated her even deeper. The poet concludes the poem by saying that Greece would only love Helen when she is laid to rest in her grave.


In the poem "Heat," the narrator detests heat and (to paraphrase the verses) asks the wind to rend open the heat, cut it apart and tear it to tatters. The expressions shows her intense hatred towards heat. She says that heat is so intense and harsh that even ripen fruits can’t fall off the trees through this heat. She again asks the wind in third stanza to cut the heat, plough it over and turn it on the wind’s side.

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