The Castle (1997 Film)


The Castle is a 1997 Australian comedy film directed by Rob Sitch, and written by Sitch, Santo Cilauro, Tom Gleisner and Jane Kennedy of Working Dog Productions, all veteran writers and performers on ABC's The Late Show and The D-Generation. The film stars Michael Caton, Anne Tenney, Stephen Curry, Anthony Simcoe, Sophie Lee and Wayne Hope as the Kerrigan family, as well as Tiriel Mora, Robyn Nevin, Eric Bana, Costas Kilias and Bud Tingwell.

The film's title is based upon the English saying, repeatedly referred to in the film, "a man's home is his castle". Its humour plays on the national self-image, most notably the concept of working-class Australians and their place in modern Australia.[2]

Shot in 11 days on a budget of approximately A$750,000,[3] The Castle gained widespread acclaim in Australia, where it is considered one of the greatest Australian films ever made. It grossed A$10,326,428 at the box office in Australia.[4]

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