The Castle (1997 Film) Cast List

The Castle (1997 Film) Cast List

Michael Caton

Michael Caton is an Australian-born stage actor, comedian, and TV host. Born in 1943, Michael Caton is best known for acting as Uncle Harry in The Sullivans Australian TV series. Similarly, Caton played Ted Taylor in the 1997 hit film The Castle.

Anne Tenney

Anne Tenney is 68 years old, and her profession is acting. Anne is married to Shane Withington, and she has spent most of her career in the Australian film, TV, and theater sectors. Anne is a graduate of NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Art). She has featured in several Australian films, including The Castle (1997 Film where she acted as Sal Kerrigan, the mother.

Stephen Curry

Stephen Curry was born in 1976, and he is a renowned Australian actor and comedian who has featured in several TV dramas, films, and comedies. Stephen was educated at Marcellin College. From 1992 to date, Stephen has been an active actor and film personality. Stephen has featured in Rogue film in 2007, Hounds of Love in 2016, and The Castle in 1997.

Sophie Lee

Sophie Lee was born in 1968 in Newcastle, Australia and she was married to Freedman till 2002 with three children. Career-wise, Sophie is a renowned actress and author. Sophie was featured in the film Muriel’s Wedding in 1994. Similarly, Sophie was known for The Castle in 1997 and Bootmen in 2000.

Eric Bana

Eric Bana was born in 1968 in Victoria, Australia. Eric's father came from Croatia and Worked in Australia as a manager in a leading Caterpillar Company. Eric's mother is a German. Eric is a full-time actor and comedian, and in The Castel, 1997, he acted as Con Petropoulous, Tracey's new husband.

Anthony Simcoe

Born in 1969, Anthony has spent the best part of his life acting in 1999, featured in the film Farscape and featured in The Caste, 1997. Similarly, Anthony acted in the film The Peacekeeper, 2004.

Wayne Kerrigan

Wyne Hope is not only an actor and comedian, but he is also a director and producer at Gristmill. Wayne co-founded the company with his wife. Some of the famous films Wayne has featured include The Castle in 1997 and the Michael Program in 1998.

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