The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


The home symbolizes a sense of belonging. The boy and his friends are searching for his home. The boy has been in the wild for a while and feels lost. The boy is determined to reach home, and his friends are ready to help him with the assignment. The boy wants to reunite with his family members. Therefore, he is ready to do anything to get home.

The tree’s branches

The tree’s branches symbolize protection. The novel's graphics show the boy and the mole sitting on the tree branches, as they talk to each other. Throughout the novel, the pictures of tree branches are dominant as the four friends search for the boy’s home. The wildness is dangerous; however, the boy and his friends feel safe because the tree branches cover them.

The Wildness

The wildness symbolizes life with its predicaments, enjoyment, and qualms. In the novel, the wildness is dominated by graphics such as creeks, different species of trees, wild animals, and birds. Therefore, the wildness is full of life. The boy and the mole come across an angry fox that wants to eat the mole. There is also a lot of pleasure because the boy and his friends have fun as they search for his home.

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