The Blood of Flowers Characters

The Blood of Flowers Character List


Joonam is a pet name that means something like "sweetheart." It is not Joonam's real name, although that is how her mother addresses her. She is the other major character in the book. Together Joonam and her mother are forced to struggle and toil to survive after the husband and father dies from a random heart attack. After that death, the family is demoted to a position of social weakness. They are not easily employable because of gender norms. They must work for their survival.

Joonam's mother

Joonam's mother is exceptionally disenfranchised as a widow and as an elderly person. She is not able to contribute in the economy, nor is she really welcomed to try, and when Joonam has an emotional breakdown, her mother is often martyred by that instability. Because of an angry, panicky meltdown where Joonam insults her uncle, she and her mother go through a season of homelessness. Joonam's mother is trying to consult with her daughter constantly because the mother has knowledge without potential, and the daughter has all potential with very little life experience to speak of.


Gostaham is the father's half-brother, so Joonam's uncle. This wealthy craftsman works as a carpetmaker which makes Joonam a suitable choice for an apprentice because she already has tactile craft experience from her long childhood apprenticeship for a local carpenter in her home town. Gostaham is also willing to support them as their kinsman, although he frustrates his wife by doing this. Eventually, Gostaham's strictness and negativity become overwhelming to Joonam, and they clash.


Along comes a suitor with no intention of loving Joonam or staying with her, but he will pay her to be his "wife" for a while. To Fereydoon, the nameless protagonist is little more than a sexual object, and when they come together without mutual attraction and respect, the sex is lackluster and disappointing. Joonam learns sexual skills to please him. Fereydoon marries Joonam's friend, creating tension among the characters and further difficulties for Joonam.

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