The Birds and Other Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Birds and Other Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Birds (allegory)

Birds are the main image and the main object of discussion in the story. The reason why they started behaving so aggressively against people is not clear – it is just a fact that birds start attacking people all over the country. The allusions to the Second World War help to understand the main idea and message of the author. Like during the war, there is inhumanity and absurdity in killing thousands of people, and the very war was just a simple destruction and extermination of humankind. The community of birds is an allegoric representation of the community of people, with the only difference – birds do not attack each other, while people have done the complete opposite.

Fire (symbol)

The fire becomes a symbol for salvation and and life-saving. As long as the fire is set in the fireplace, the birds cannot get into the house through the chimney. The main character Nat understands it very well, and when getting necessary things for the siege, fuel for the fire is the main one in his list. The fire is a symbol for warmth and peace.

Clouds (motif)

The birds are organized into dark clouds which cover the sky, and no sign of sun and light can be seen. These clouds are met throughout the entire story, and help the author to develop the theme of terror, the feeling of helplessness and lack of hope.

Gun (Symbol)

The gun is a symbol of how humans minimize the power of nature. When Mr. Trigg starts shooting the birds, he thinks that doing so will solve the problem, but the gun turns out to be useless against the birds.

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