The Autobiography of Malcolm X Characters

The Autobiography of Malcolm X Character List

Malcolm Little (Malcolm X, El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz)

Malcolm X is the narrator and author of his autobiography. Malcolm is a young man living in America who becomes an important civil right leader in life. Malcolm was born in a humble family where he had as an example his father who was also a civil rights activist who was unfortunately killed because of his ideas. Malcolm experiences racism first hand when he sees the conditions in which the black live and the conditions in which the white live and when his family is torn apart by racism. As a young child, Malcolm is an extremely intelligent man but because black children were not encouraged to pursue big dreams, Malcolm becomes involved in various illegal activities to earn enough money to survive. Malcolm spends six years and a half in prison and it is during those years that Malcolm becomes a Muslim and turns his life around. After Malcolm is released from prison, he becomes a member of the Nation of Islam and because of his debate abilities; he soon becomes an important member, second only to the temple’s leader. Being an idealist, Malcolm becomes disappointed when he sees that his mentor is not what he was in the beginning and thus he breaks all ties with him. Malcolm’s ideas made him an unpopular person and many hated him for what he promoted. In the end, Malcolm is assassinated during a speech by three men who were rumored to be member of the Nation of Islam.

Elijah Muhammad

Elijah is the founder of the Nation of Islam and Malcolm’s mentor. Malcolm first comes into contact with Elijah’s teachings while he is still in prison and he begins to write letters addressed to Elijah regularly. Elijah is impressed by Malcolm’s desire to spread the faith and he gives him an important position in the church. Muhammad Elijah becomes almost like a father for Malcolm but things soon change when Malcolm begins to have more success that him and thus Elijah becomes jealous. It is soon revealed that Elijah Muhammad was not the person everyone believed him to be and he and Malcolm go on separate ways.

Earl Little

Earl Little is Malcolm’s father who appears briefly in the first chapters of the autobiography. Earl Little is a powerful black man, a civil right activist and a preacher who tries to help the blacks get the rights they deserve. His ideas made Earl unpopular among whites but he was loved by blacks and the knowledge that he was doing something right for his people made him willing to continue even though he knew that he was risking his life. Earl Little is killed by white extremists and he is considered as being a martyr in the black community.

Louise Little

Louise is Malcolm’s mother who also appears briefly in the beginning of the novel. Malcolm’s mother has light skin compared to other African Americans and this is because Louise was the child of a white man who raped her mother. Louise’s life was not an easy one and it only got more complicated after her husband died. Eventually Louisa is sent to a mental hospital after she refuses to feed her children pork.

Reginald Little

Reginald is Malcolm’s little brother Malcolm takes under his wing. Malcolm and Reginald live for a while together in Harlem and Malcolm teaches him how to get by and learn a living in a cruel world that lived them no other choice but to get involved in illegal activities. Reginald also becomes a member of the Nation of Islam but he is told to leave after he is caught behaving in a way in which he should have not. Reginald becomes mentally ill shortly after that and Malcolm considers his illness as being a punishment for his sins.


Betty is the woman Malcolm marries after he is released from prison. Not many information are given about her except the fact that she bore Malcolm five children and that she was present when Malcolm was assassinated.


Sophia is Malcolm’s white girlfriend. Even though she is married, she enters in a relationship will Malcolm not because she loves him but because of the status dating a black man gives her. Malcolm and Sophia become partners in crime with Sophia and her sister scouting houses belonging to white people for Malcolm to break into and rob.


Laura is a black woman Malcolm begins to date towards the beginning of the autobiography, soon after he moves to Harlem. Laura is an intelligent black woman who loves to dance but can’t follow her dreams of becoming a dancer because of her grandmother. Malcolm leaves Laura for Sophia and Laura is affected by this. Malcolm latter reflects how Laura’s life went downhill after their breakup, resulting in Laura becoming a drug addict and a prostitute.

Ella Little

Ella is Malcolm’s older step sister who lives in Boston and who takes care of Malcolm. Ella becomes Malcolm’s female role model. Even though at first Ella so skeptical regarding Malcolm’s new faith, she also become a Muslim and she follows her brother when he leaves the Nation of Islam. Ella is also the one who gives Malcolm money so he could travel to Mecca.

Sammy the Pimp

Sammy was one of Malcolm’s closest friends in Harlem. Sammy was a pimp and a drug dealer and because of a misunderstanding between him and Malcolm, their relationship deteriorated and they drifted apart.


Shorty is Malcolm’s best friend from Boston. The two of them become involved in various illegal activities. After Malcolm is released from prison, he searches for Shorty and tries to make him a Muslim but he is unsuccessful.


Cassius is one of Malcolm’s friends with whom Malcolm and his family stay after Malcolm decides to leave the Nation of Islam. Cassius Clay takes the name Muhammad Ali after one of his victories.

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