Physics: Principles with Applications (7th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32162-592-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-32162-592-2

Chapter 32 - Elementary Particles - General Problems - Page 946: 47


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a. The first reaction is possible. No conservation principles are violated. No leptons are involved, so the reaction may proceed via the strong interaction. b. The second reaction is possible. No conservation principles are violated. No leptons are involved, so the reaction may proceed via the strong interaction. c. The third reaction is possible. No conservation principles are violated. No leptons are involved, so the reaction may proceed via the strong interaction. d. The fourth reaction is impossible. Conservation of charge is violated: $1+1 \neq 0 + 0$. e. The fifth reaction is possible. No conservation principles are violated. Leptons are involved, so the reaction must proceed via the weak interaction.
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