Physics: Principles with Applications (7th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32162-592-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-32162-592-2

Chapter 15 - The Laws of Thermodynamics - Search and Learn - Page 442: 5


2600 J/K.

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The person spends 7.0 hours sleeping, 1.0 hour running, 11.0 hours sitting at work and in front of the TV/computer, and 5.0 hours in light activity. Use Table 15-2 for metabolic rates. $$Q=((70W)(7.0h)+ (1150W)(1.0h)+ (115W)(11.0h)+ (230W)(5.0h)+)\frac{3600s}{h}=1.46\times10^7 J$$ The entropy change is due to: a. the energy leaving the body, divided by the body temperature of 310 K. b. the energy entering the environment, divided by the environmental temperature of, say, 294 K. $$\Delta S=(\frac{-Q}{310K}+\frac{Q}{294K})=1.46\times10^7 J (-\frac{1}{310K}+\frac{1}{294K})$$ $$\approx 2600 J/K$$
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