Chemistry: Atoms First (2nd Edition)

Published by Cengage Learning
ISBN 10: 1305079248
ISBN 13: 978-1-30507-924-3

Chapter 12 - Exercises - Page 524c: 31


$$K_p = 4.6 \times 10^{3} $$

Work Step by Step

- The exponent of each concentration is equal to its balance coefficient. $$K = \frac{[Products]}{[Reactants]} = \frac{[ CO ][ H_2 ] ^{ 2 }}{[ CH_3OH ]}$$ 2. Substitute the values and calculate the constant value: $$K = \frac{( 0.24 )( 1.1 )^{ 2 }}{( 0.15 )} = 1.9$$ 1. Calculate $\Delta n$ (n is the amount of moles of gases): $$\Delta n = n_{products} - n_{reactants} = 3 - 1 = 2 $$ 2. Convert the temperature in Kelvin: $$T/K = 327 + 273.15 = 600.15 $$ 3 . Calculate Kp: $$K_p = K_c(RT)^{\Delta n} = ( 1.9 )(0.0821 \times 600.15 )^{ 2 }$$ $$K_p = 4.6 \times 10^{3} $$
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