Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity (9th Edition)

Published by Cengage Learning
ISBN 10: 1133949649
ISBN 13: 978-1-13394-964-0

Chapter 17 Principles of Chemical Reactivity: Other Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria - Study Questions - Page 677e: 100


a) $K=14.5$ b) $1.68\ g$

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a) $AgBr(s)\leftrightarrow Ag^+(aq)+Br^-(aq)\ Ksp = 5\times10^{-13}$ $Ag^+(aq)+2S_2O_3^{2-}(aq)\leftrightarrow [Ag(S_2O_3)_2]^{3-}(aq) \ K_f=2.9\times10^{13}$ $AgBr(s)+2S_2O_3^{2-}(aq)\leftrightarrow[Ag(S_2O_3)_2]^{3-}(aq)+Br^-(aq)$ $K=Kf\times Ksp=14.5$ b) Since K > 1, assume that all thiosulfate is consumed. $1\ g\div 187.77\ g/mol=0.0053\ mol$ By stoichiometry: $0.011\ mol$ Mass: $0.011\ mol\times 158.11\ g/mol=1.68\ g$
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