Chemistry: An Atoms-Focused Approach

Published by W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN 10: 0393912345
ISBN 13: 978-0-39391-234-0

Chapter 2 - Atoms, Ions, and Molecules - Visual Problems - Page 70: 9


(a) the blue box, which is potassium (b) the grey box, which is magnesium (c) the yellow box, which is scandium (d) the purple box, which is iodine (e) the red box, which is oxygen

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(a) Potassium is in group 1, which are the alkali metals. These elements have a 1+ oxidation state. (b) Magnesium is in group 2, which are the alkaline earth metals. These elements have a 2+ oxidation state. (c) Scandium is in group 3, which is part of the transition metals. The elements in this group have a 3+ oxidation state. (d) Iodine is in group 17, which are the halogens. These elements have a 1- oxidation state. (e) Oxygen is in group 16. The elements in group 16 have a 2+ oxidation state.
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