Human Biology, 14 Edition

Published by McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN 10: 1-25924-574-8
ISBN 13: 978-1-25924-574-9

Chapter 7 - Section 7.4 - Acquired Immunity - Check Your Progress - Page 143: 1


Acquired immunity is the immunity that comes from a vaccine, exposure to an infection, or from external or other person's antibodies. It is developed and gets stronger during our lifespan. Example of this is when someone contracted and recovers from measles. The person recovered from measles becomes protected from measles for their lifetime.

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Acquired immunity is the immunity that comes from a vaccine, exposure to an infection, or from external or other person's antibodies. It is developed and gets stronger during our lifespan. Example of this is when someone contracted and recovers from measles. The person recovered from measles becomes protected from measles for their lifetime.
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