Elementary Statistics: A Step-by-Step Approach with Formula Card 9th Edition

Published by McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN 10: 0078136334
ISBN 13: 978-0-07813-633-7

Chapter 6 - The Normal Distribution - Chapter Quiz - Page 365: 29


$0.0492$ No.

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Given $p=0.38,n=25$, use binomial distribution $P(X)=_nC_X\cdot p^X(1-p)^{n-X}$ we have $P(X\geq14)=P(14)+P(15)+P(16)=0.0304+0.0136+0.0052=0.0492$ Since this number is much less than 1, it is unlikely that 14 or more people will get 6 hours or less of sleep each night.
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