Elementary Statistics: A Step-by-Step Approach with Formula Card 9th Edition

Published by McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN 10: 0078136334
ISBN 13: 978-0-07813-633-7

Chapter 6 - The Normal Distribution - Chapter Quiz - Page 365: 20


a. $0.7734$ b. $0.0521$ c. $0.3802$ d. $65$ inches.

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Given $\mu=49,\sigma=8$, We can find the probability that next year Greenville will receive the following amount of rainfall. a. At most 55 inches of rain $z1=\frac{55-49}{8}=0.75,P(X\leq55)=P(z1)=0.7734$ b. At least 62 inches of rain $z2=\frac{62-49}{8}=1.625,P(X\geq62)=1-P(z2)=1-0.9479=0.0521$ c. Between 46 and 54 inches of rain $z3=\frac{46-49}{8}=-0.375,z4=\frac{54-49}{8}=0.625, P(46\lt X\lt54)=P(z4)-P(z3)=0.7340-0.3538=0.3802$ d. An extremely wet year can be defined as a rain amount far away from the mean to the right, in this case 2 standard deviations. Thus, $z=\frac{X-49}{8}=2$, and we can solve for $X=65$ inches.
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