Thomas' Calculus 13th Edition

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32187-896-5
ISBN 13: 978-0-32187-896-0

Chapter 2: Limits and Continuity - Section 2.3 - The Precise Definition of a Limit - Exercises 2.3 - Page 68: 59


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a. Examine the graph and we see a gap at $x=3$. For a given $\delta\gt0$, $|x-3|\lt\delta$ which gives $3-\delta\lt x\lt3+\delta$. In the interval of $3-\delta\lt x\lt3$, the function $f(x)\gt4.8$ which gives $|f(x)-4|\geq0.8$, thus we can set $\epsilon=0.8$ or less so that $|f(x)-4|\geq\epsilon$ for any $\delta\gt0$ which means that $\lim_{x\to3}f(x)\ne4$ b. Similarly, use the interval of $3\lt x\lt3+\delta$, the function $f(x)\lt3$ which gives $|f(x)-4.8|\geq1.8$, thus we can set $\epsilon=1.8$ or less so that $|f(x)-4.8|\geq\epsilon$ for any $\delta\gt0$ which means that $\lim_{x\to3}f(x)\ne4.8$ c. Again, use the interval of $3-\delta\lt x\lt3$, the function $f(x)\gt4.8$ which gives $|f(x)-3|\geq1.8$, thus we can set $\epsilon=1.8$ or less so that $|f(x)-3|\geq\epsilon$ for any $\delta\gt0$ which means that $\lim_{x\to3}f(x)\ne3$
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